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Engage your audience with interactive experiences.

The kind people like.

Interactive Experiences

If you're part of an innovative organisation, the way your team learns can be a game-changer.
It’s time to move beyond traditional methods and embrace the power of interactive learning experiences.
At the heart of this transformative approach lies interactive video, turning passive viewers into active participants.

Why interactivity?

It’s clear that interactive video delivers much richer viewer experiences

Google reports that interactive video delivers up to 9x more viewer engagement than ordinary video; the IAB believes that it increases purchase intent by at least three times and delivers a 50% increase in time spent with the video.

Learnforce is a proud partner of Blue Billywig for our interactive projects.

Before Interactivity

Linear film is a lot of fun, but not always the best solution for getting the most engagement from your target audience.

With Interactivity

Audiences typically spend much longer with our interactive video’s than the same video without interactivity. The vast majority of your audience will lean forward and interact.

Why interactive video?


Interaction rates

The large majority of your audience will lean forward and interact.


Longer Engagement

Audiences typically spend much longer with interactive video’s than the same video without any interactivity.


Click-through Rate

Whether your viewers buy a product, enters a competition or book a test drive through your video, expect industry-smashing CTRs.

Interactive video’s offer a range of possibilities to add to ‘normal’ video.
Let viewers viewers click hotspots or open layers with extra information.
Link to any type of content, straight from the video.
Add controls, links and buttons to a video to navigate faster.
Allow viewers to make choices that influence how the story unfolds.