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We see learning as an ongoing campaign, not an isolated moment.

Our approach

Liberate content from its format

to make it reusable across media.


Elevate the quality

so it’s more effective.


Deliver at the right time and place

in an employee’s learning journey.


In a world-class App

where there’s a dashboard for both end-user and manager.


With possibilities to enrich the experience

by integrating live events, external marcom collateral and more.


 Case study 

Embedding a New Sales Culture

Old habits die hard. That’s why change is often as much about unlearning as learning. Instore retail sales culture is just one example. Aligning large teams across many geographies to deliver a new customer experience is tricky. But by segmenting the roles, and communicating the un-desired behaviours right alongside the desired ones, we did it. Employees started living and breathing the new culture in no time. And, thanks to some well-timed behavioural ‘nudges’, the culture stuck, too.

 Case study 

Senior Leadership Development

An essential component of corporate strategy is the annual global retreat or event where senior leadership aligns around what’s coming next and why. This is a splendid opportunity to use campaign-based learning as the ‘rug that really ties the room together’. It helps embed knowledge and learnings into leadership’s hearts and minds in real-time, when it visceral. From improving storytelling to gamification and live event integration, we help make any annual leadership experience a thoroughly manageable, measurable, effective and enjoyable one.

All the Lonely Content

There are piles of unloved and lonely content sitting in the dusty corners of almost every organisation. There they sit, patiently, waiting for their next visitor — who may or may not ever come. It’s a sad state of affairs. We help you elevate and energise this content, and deliver it straight to the learner inside a world-class App. There, you can measure and manage progress on both an individual and business unit level. Really, what’s not to like?

Sharp, Candid & Skillful

Headquartered in Hilversum, the media capital of the Netherlands, we help large forward-thinking organizations transform their L&D Experience. We mix smart tech, premium media and creative strategies. Our ethos is grounded in mutual admiration and dedication—towards our team, our clients, and the transformative power of education. It's a journey we embark on with a spirit of joy, collaborative innovation — and with a good dose of fun thrown in!

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