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Learning journeys 

Everyone knows about continuous learning, but hardly anyone* has seen an actual continuous learning journey in the flesh, as it were. That’s odd if you think about it.

Getting line of sight on the ultimate destination of learning — and then breaking it down into smaller, manageable steps — is a fundamental change principle. We map employee learning journeys at change program, business unit, division and org-level for all to see. Once in place, you can then apply campaign-based learning to drive visible and tangible progress!

*Our lovely clients are one lucky exception.
 Career pathways 

Crafting Career Pathways

Am I learning this for my job today, or my career, tomorrow? Is this skill transferable? What about this competency? Where will that get me? It takes a true learning organisation to answer these questions. We can get you there. Our typical starting point is to despaghetti-fy (that’s a real word, honest!) your job descriptions so you can get proper line of sight on re-skilling, up-skilling and career paths. Once we get you a practical taxonomy, you’ll be off and running in no time.

 Core competencies 

Clarity on Core Competencies

Your core competencies are the specific set of skills and competencies that allows you to deliver on corporate strategy — today and tomorrow. They may revolve around internal innovation, digital transformation, or be tied to key products, services even company values. One might think that all orgs know what they are, and have a plan to develop them. But in our experience, that’s not the case. If you’d like to get clarity on what your core competencies are, get in touch. We’ll be happy to help.


Explore our work

Sharp, Candid & Skillful

Headquartered in Hilversum, the media capital of the Netherlands, we help large forward-thinking organizations transform their L&D Experience. We mix smart tech, premium media and creative strategies. Our ethos is grounded in mutual admiration and dedication—towards our team, our clients, and the transformative power of education. It's a journey we embark on with a spirit of joy, collaborative innovation — and with a good dose of fun thrown in!